blocked drains bromley can be quite a nuisance and carry the potential of inflicting damage to your property. Knowing how to properly address a blocked drain can save you a lot of trouble, time and money in the long run. This comprehensive guide will have you become familiar with the common causes for a blocked drain, provide some tips on how to unblock it yourself and explain when it’s necessary to involve professional help.

Common Causes of Blocked Drains

A blocked drain is often caused by dirt and debris that has accumulated over time. Soap scum, hair, food waste, paper items and even smaller objects such can all be the cause of a blocked up sink. In some cases, tree roots might be responsible for the blockage as they may penetrate through the pipes.

Preventative Measures go a Long Way

Be mindful of what goes down your drains and avoid pouring fats, oils or greasy substances into them. You can also put mesh guards over sink outlets. They act as filters to stop solid objects from entering the drainage system. Regularly cleaning and checking (visually) your drains can help you catch any irregularities early on, ultimately saving you a lot of hassle.

DIY Unblocking Strategies

Boiling water can sometimes alleviate minor blockages. Pour a few kettles of hot water slowly down the drain, allowing the heat and weight to push the clog out. If boiling water does not do the trick, try using a plunger. Make sure the surface around the drain is sealed and then use the plunger up and down several times to force the clog out of the pipe.

You can also utilize a chemical based cleaner. Before doing so, make sure to read all warning labels very carefully. It’s best to use gloves and safety goggles when handling these types of cleaners. If a clog is too dense, the chemicals can’t reach it which is why it’s important to use the right amount of product and wait for the required amount of time before flushing the drain with hot water.

blocked drains bromley

When to Contact a Professional

If none of the above worked, it’s usually best to call a professional. There might be a deeper issue causing the blockage and only an experienced plumber can help identify the root of the problem and sort it out.

In some cases, hydro jetting may be more suitable solution to unblock your drains. This process involves flushing the drain with highly pressurized water. Due to its powerful jets, hydro jetting can successfully remove stubborn obstructions and is particularly effective against tree root intrusions.

Short Summary

A blocked drain in Kent can be annoying and should be taken care of quickly. Taking some preventative measures such as putting filters over sink outlets and avoiding the disposal of greasy substances can help avoid blockages in the first place. Agitating the clog with warmth, pressure and with the help of chemical cleaners can sometimes do the job. Ultimately if all else fails, it’s wise to contact a reliable and experienced plumber to deal with the issue.