The electrical design takes into account the environment and its needs, i.e. how many equipment will be connected in that room and what are its types. In addition, it also considers the number of people who will use the space and the activities to be performed by them. In case of the Electric Plans this is important.

Can anyone carry out the project?

When it comes to electrical installation, an expert is indispensable. Since errors related to electricity can be fatal or very serious, such as short circuit, fire, burning of appliances etc.

  • The electrical system is very complex and dangerous if improperly designed. Therefore, hiring a qualified professional is important to ensure safety, comfort and even economy.
  • A residential electrical system aims to meet the needs of residents, following safety standards, aiming at economy and smooth operation. Thus, design must also be affordable, flexible and have reserve capacity.

What type of work needs an electrical installation project?

At first you may find that the electrical project only works for large works such as buildings and industries. However, the ideal is that all types of construction, such as homes, businesses, have a well-planned electrical project.

Electrical installation

Electric Plans

In addition to bringing safety and improving the efficiency of your system, it is an investment that has many long term benefits. In addition, your work will be in accordance with current regulations, avoiding future complications. Therefore, all electrical installations should be performed from an electrical project.

Why take for an electrical project?

Imagine, do you decide to install an alarm system in your company and find that the specific alarm wiring is not properly identified on the floor plan? Or, when it comes to installing a light fixture in your home? What should be a quick and simple installation can end up becoming a big problem.

New homeowners often have a guarantee of a few years and yet it is uncomfortable to deal with building and structure problems, when their only concern should be to take advantage of the home and perform the maintenance required for its preservation.

Safety first

You may have heard the saying, “prevention is better than cure”, as well, it would be no different when it comes to an electrical installation project. So by letting go of this investment, you put your family and your household appliances at risk as incorrect load sizing can burn out and cause major inconvenience. Thus, with the electrical project, this will be analyzed so that it does not occur.

Economy by investing

In addition, the electrical project has basic information that is very important during its construction or renovation, such as the length of the wires that will be required for installation. Without it, you will not be able to plan ahead and you may have to buy these materials in a hurry. Thus causing problems such as lack of material or waste is important. In the end, you save even more money by doing better and more complete planning.

Think practicality

  • Forgetting to put outlets in any room, not enough outlets for the environment to be functional, installing outlets at the wrong time, poor wiring distribution to the power box, and so on.

These small problems end up making environments impractical or unsafe for residents. In addition, the electrical design drastically reduces the possibility of short circuits, electric shocks, poor performance of operating devices and even fire. Thus, having a good electrical project is indispensable.