They are many reasons why nursing home abuse occurs of High -need patients, women, veterans and LBGT residents are at greater risk of being abused. The severe physical and cognitive disabilities are also targeting of abuse and neglect with patients. The elder abuse attorney plays a major role in nursing home abuse

elder abuse attorney

Who are the most common committers of leader exploitation?

Older adults 4,156 in the study of, family members were the most common perpetrators of financial exploitation of older adults (FEOA) 57.9%, followed by home care aides 14.9%, followed by friends and neighbours 16.9%

The Elder abuse is six common there are:

  1. physical abuse:

physical abuse is commonly known as non-accidental. The physical impairment of the child that results in physical injury to the child and can include striking, kicking, burning, orbiting the child, or any action.


symptoms of physical abuse are bruises, broken or fractured bones, burns or scalds


  • Swelling
  • bruising
  • fractures
  • being extremely sleepy or unconscious
  • breathing problems
  • seizures
  • vomiting
  • unusual performance, such as being short-tempered or not nourishing properly.

Verbal methods of expressive elder manipulation can revenue the form of:

  • intimidation through threats or yelling
  • humiliation and ridicule
  • habitual blaming or scapegoating

Nonverbal Psychological Elder Abuse Include : 

  • ignoring the senior
  • isolation the senior from friends or activities
  • terrorizing or menacing the senior

3.sexual abuse:

sexual abuse is sexual behavior or a sexual act forced upon a woman, manor. the child without their consent. Sexual violence is another means of coercing women in a male-controlled society. sexual abuse is also known as molestation, the person upon another person behavior of abusive sexual

4.neglect or abandonment by caregivers:

abandonment, including obligations, owned an elderly person by a caretaker or other person and desertion or wilful forsake of an elderly person or withdrawal or neglect of duties



Is the negligence is the act of deserting while abandonees a springy to normal desires or reserve; freedom from mock constraint, with loss of indebtedness of significances


  • Health and development problems anemia
  • housing and family issues. living in an unsuitable home environment, such as having no heating
  • change in behavior becoming clingy


financial exploitation happens when a person misuses or takes the assets of a vulnerable adult for his or her benefits. This frequently happens without the explicit knowledge or consent of a senior or disabled adult, depriving him or her of personal needs.

can you sure of exploitation?

The wrongful death lawsuit could be filed against them. The elderly caretaker cannot exploit. some caretakers will trick the old patients into wringing them money. if your loved one has been exploited financially, you can file a lawsuit against the nursing home

Can you go to Jail for Exploitation? 

IN CALIFORNIA, a statute that makes elder abuse a crime of penal code 368 pc. Elder abuse can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony and can carry up to 4 years of jail or prison.